Learning project

Learning & Development (L&D) programs have been particularly hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. McKinsey recently reported that nearly 50% of in-person programming had been postponed or canceled through June in the United States, while parts of Asia and Europe are seeing figures closer to 100%. While delaying or canceling in-person learning experiences certainly makes…

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Girl working on laptop and drinking coffee

“Extending trust is the ultimate act of leadership, the defining skill that transforms a manager into a leader.” – Stephen M. R. Covey As many businesses explore new ways of working with remote or distributed teams, managers are being called upon to lead differently. Without a direct line of sight into their employees’ work, it’s…

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virtual learning

Beyond the personal changes that facilitators, trainers and Learning & Development (L&D) teams may be facing as they shift to remote working themselves, they are also experiencing great change in the way they deliver their programming. Earlier this year, LinkedIn’s 2020 Workplace Learning Report stated that a little more than half of L&D professionals expected…

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Girl at Office talking in phone

During times of stress and uncertainty, it’s natural to turn toward our innate tendencies for working and interacting. Often, we may retreat into these preferences without necessarily having an awareness of our actions or their potential impact on others. Recognizing how your stress may reveal itself can help you identify when it’s time to pause…

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cognitive diversity

If you’ve participated in an Emergenetics® Meeting of the Minds workshop, you probably remember one of our signature activities: Krazy Kontrapshuns. Without giving too much away, the exercise engages participants in a somewhat outlandish game of charades. While the activity adds a lot of laughter to the session, what’s most impressive about it is its…

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Group work

Team members who are connected and committed tend to be more effective employees. In fact, the Hay Group identified that engaged employees were generally 43 percent more productive than their counterparts. However, I would contend that engagement alone is not necessarily enough to drive productivity. Employees also need the motivation and capabilities to do their…

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Group Working in Laptop

Each year, technology plays an ever-increasing role in our lives and organizations. As Generation Z joins the workforce, companies are growing more thoughtful about how they incorporate technology to engage employees. After all, 96 percent of Generation Z own a smartphone and spend about six hours online each day. For younger generations, technology is simply…

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