Women Job presenting

In our recent eBook: Building an Effective Soft Skills Training Program, we share a few thought starters to help you evaluate your talent development programs and determine how to make your soft skills training even more effective. Whether you are interested in enhancing soft skills or supporting any employee development initiative, it’s important to assess…

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executive team

Effective teams are critical to the success of a business, and it starts at the very top of your company with the executive leaders. Yet, the C-suite can be a place where competing priorities and power dynamics cause harmful conflict. According to research published by three professors from Standard Graduate School of Business, the Booth…

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Business Meeting

Intuitively, we all understand that it’s important to have different perspectives represented in the workplace. If you would like more than intuition, read these case studies that articulate the value of cognitive diversity in product development and problem solving, or read Harvard Business Review’s article: “Teams Solve Problems Faster When They’re More Cognitively Diverse.” Simply…

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Businessman Making Presentation To Office Colleagues

Building high performing teams is an opportunity that most companies, nonprofits, boards, leaders and talent management departments are challenged by. After all, in the middle of managing daily operations and seeking out emergent opportunities, it can be easy to overlook team building. It’s typically only after notable challenges occur within or between teams that organizations…

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Powerof blub

I find it interesting that, despite the fact that team performance is often cited as critical to a company’s success, much of the training curriculum delivered within organizations has traditionally focused on individual leadership development. While it is vitally important to teach your employees how to build on their strengths, manage and support direct reports…

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