
I have had quite a few meaningful mentors throughout my life and have served as a mentor myself. Some of these relationships happened organically; others in a more formal fashion. Whether I was providing or receiving mentoring, however, I was struck by how much I benefitted from this experience. For organizations considering establishing or expanding…

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Personalization is everywhere. Automated emails use our first names, advertisements pop up on social media based on our search history and our music playlists are tailored to our listening behaviors. Organizations are taking note as they start to apply customization beyond marketing and sales tactics and into their learning and development initiatives. Moving away from…

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Over the past several years, many organizations have struggled to fill open positions, and in the United States, companies have often pointed to the low unemployment environment as the root cause. However, there is another contributing factor that has flown under the radar until recently: the skills gap. According to LinkedIn, U.S. companies are finding…

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soft skills

As businesses adapt to stay relevant and competitive, companies need to follow the human capital trends, which in today’s candidate-driven market are heavily influenced by their employees. Today’s workforce has a keen interest in working for companies that offer opportunities to learn and grow. 91 percent of high performers reported that working for an employer…

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In a meeting

20 years ago, there was no such thing as Google. While you may have “asked Jeeves,” there weren’t many services providing instant answers to all of your questions. Nine years ago, Uber and Lyft didn’t exist. Calling a cab was the primary option if you didn’t want to drive or take public transportation. And, only…

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Personalization is everywhere these days. From companies allowing you to design your own shoes to websites being tailored to specific people and organizations, it’s clear that customization is meaningful to individuals. Forrester has even reported that 77 percent of consumers have chosen, recommended or paid more for a brand that provides a personalized service or…

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Three women Project discussing

In the past, soft skills (such as communication, teamwork and emotional intelligence) have been seen as just that – soft, meaning that they are somewhat less important that hard, tangible skills like how to hard code or operate an automation system. That perception has been changing in recent years. In LinkedIn’s 2018 Workplace Learning Report,…

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