Colleagues sit and talk at conference table

At multiple points in their careers, most people leaders ask themselves some variation of the question – What do my employees want or need from me? Sometimes, it’s with enthusiasm as you are thinking of how you can best support your team members and drive performance. At other times, it may be with some frustration…

إقرأ المزيد
Two people sitting in front of a computer talking

One of the most important duties of any manager is to empower their teams to set and achieve goals. At its core, management is all about helping staff to be accountable. Yet, less than one in five people are able to successfully hold others responsible for delivering on workplace expectations. While that is an alarming…

إقرأ المزيد
Person sitting at an office desk smiling at the computer screen

Many employees are expected to “go back to work” over the next few months as companies reopen their offices. After a long stretch of operating remotely, that shift could require some recalibration on the parts of staff and employers to ensure that everyone is able to bring their best selves to work. If you or…

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Person's arm writing on a piece of paper

With rapid digitization in our working world, Human Resources (HR) and Learning & Development (L&D) professionals are facing increasing pressures to help staff build new talents to fulfill changing job functions and take on new responsibilities. That focus is so important that reskilling and upskilling employees was identified as the number one priority for L&D…

إقرأ المزيد
Coworkers sitting around a conference table with masks

Among all the responsibilities that managers have, one of the most important is their focus on employee wellbeing. In the past year, people leaders have supported their staff through a lot of ups, downs and uncertainties. With the potential of returning to the workplace on the horizon, managers need to be mindful that some of…

إقرأ المزيد
Colleagues sitting around a conference table with laptops

The “return to work” has continued to dominate conversations for business and Human Resources leaders alike. While most organizations are still solidifying plans, many are expecting to adopt a more flexible approach for much of the year and may permanently embrace a hybrid work model. For Learning & Development professionals, hybrid teams pose many new…

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