sound wave

Music plays an important role in creating a stimulating learning environment and increasing learner engagement in a training session. As any trainer or facilitator knows, there’s a surprising amount of thought that goes in to the room set up of any workshop. Your goal is to create an optimal learning experience. You want everyone to…

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Success ladder

Creativity in Leadership: the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, and to create meaningful ideas, forms, methods, interpretations, etc. “Innovation is the result of creativity untethered by conformity.” – ICAN 2015 We recently began a blog series on critical leadership skills as shared with us at the 2015 ICAN Conference. The 2,300+ conference…

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learning Growth Mindset

Too often, organizational training and even personality profiles box people into rigid categories. In my experience, this turns people off to learning because they’re given band-aids to meet short-term needs, but long-term development goals aren’t addressed. Such an approach feeds the notion that having a strong toolkit is the end goal. While this is easier…

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