Many heads of different colors connect several people in a communication

What meaning do you give to colours? Even though there is no scientific evidence on the effect of colours, we all associate colours with specific feelings, characteristics and meanings. No doubt that you will associate love with the colour red. Green is being associated with safety [in The Netherlands]. Think of the green stoplight or…

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Team Flow

In this article in Talent Management, management expert Thomas Handcock, gives an interesting take on what I think gets to the root of better teamwork skills—“getting work done today requires more collaboration among a broader and more diverse set of people.” Collaboration is imperative for better teamwork and a more productive workplace. The fact that…

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Change is the only constant. We often hear this but how many of us actually look into it? How well do we actually manage change? Recently, I read an article by Dr. Geil Browning on how to lead your company through change, and found it interesting how each person feels about a new situation. People…

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Finding the right ingredients for a high performing team isn’t always about getting the smartest people together, because if a team can’t work together and be collaborative, all that intelligence and skill could be squandered. In this article from HR Zone, Brian Bacon of the Oxford Leadership Academy states, “How a team talks together will…

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Earlier this month, four women from the Emergenetics Denver office were able to attend the Institute for Career Advancement Needs, Inc. (ICAN) Women’s Leadership Conference in Omaha, NE. The theme of the conference was ‘Be Happy: Lead On’. A whole conference on happiness, leadership and how it impacts business results! The conference kicked off with…

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Frustrated. Man in thoughts.

There’s a common phrase, nothing is more certain than death and taxes! Yesterday, April 15th, was tax day here in the US- a day that many of us find stressful. In most cases, tax season takes a more obvious toll on the human psyche than almost anything we confront on a yearly basis. The mere…

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Promotion concept

With tax day around the corner- it’s Tuesday, April 15th in case you’re unaware– we were curious about how Emergenetics translates to into money management strategies. Emergenetics Associate Heather Wherry, Professional Development Lead at Lincoln Financial Group, explores how each Emergenetics Attribute might approach money management. I was always amazed at how my dad could…

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