
Defining corporate culture is almost as challenging as actually building corporate culture. After all, any company’s culture is in many ways singular to that organization. That’s why a simple definition like this one from a New York Times article titled, The Real Meaning of Corporate Culture is a good starting point: “Corporate culture is…what you…

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Does greater productivity occur when we can focus in one particular direction or when we can access multiple ways to get something done? It is an interesting question because it makes a difference in how you define productivity. I’ll give you an example. I was just speaking with a client who had a huge preference…

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In the human capital development space, employee motivation is a topic we hear time and time again. It’s usually in the form of a question— “What’s the best form of employee motivation?” I was reading a blog from Harvard Business Review and found it fascinating! It was titled “Why You Lead Determines How Well You…

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Company Award Function

People frequently ask me to describe the company culture at Emergenetics. More than anything, it is about the WE. By WE, I refer to “Whole Emergenetics,” our term for the representation of all Emergenetics Thinking Attributes and all thirds of Behavioral Spectrum within a collection of individuals. Using a WEapproach allows employees to work within…

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Team Review

Every summer our company holds a mid-year review that is attended by our entire US office. We call it the Blue Meeting. It’s not Blue Ocean Strategy, although we’ve talked about that and implemented some of those ideas before. It’s not about feeling blue (thankfully). Rather, it’s a meeting about data…numbers…financials…the rationale for where we’re…

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Hiring Candidate

Is there a key to hiring the right candidate? I recently spoke with our resident hiring expert Dr. Wendell Williams, co-founder of the Emergenetics Profile and ESP Hiring System. He pointed out a clear insight that many companies fail to actually do… even though it seems like a very obvious way to hire effectively. I’m…

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