boy with toy plane

Resonance. Motivation. Engagement. Emotional Quotient. These are words that, for some reason, I have been hearing quite often in recent weeks. Yes, they are all words that often come up when discussing topics like leadership, or organisation development, or employee engagement. But, another common thread is that these are all intangible terms, or innate characteristics…

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Business Group Photos

Work life balance is not for the faint hearted and requires constant juggling of priorities. Let’s face it, working and being a parent requires energy, focus, and time. One responsibility pulls you away from the other. Ideally, one would need all the Thinking preferences and Behavior attributes to maximize the time and effort it takes…

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Adaptive Leadership Styles

Recently I had the honor of contributing to a podcast by Impact Teams Radio on authentic and adaptive leadership. The Podcast, episode 24, addresses the ways to best communicate the value of people on a company’s bottom line. The biggest factor in a company’s success is maximizing the way that their people are working together…

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Group working and discussion

The millennial generation are entering the workforce in droves. According to Forbes, Millennials will make up 46% of the workforce by 2020. Even now the millennial generation accounts for over 33% of the workforce. Companies can no longer afford to think of this group as interns and individual contributors. And soon, companies will be dealing…

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Portrait of a Fashion Designer Sitting in Front of Three of Her Colleagues at a Desk

Recently I was reading an article from the Harvard Business Review on Company Culture Is Part of Your Business Model. Quoted from Jim Dougherty, “Culture, in my mind, is the single most important attribute to successful companies. Inevitably, when things don’t go well for a company, the culture is what has a lot to say…

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